Appointment services
Secure online booking service
Select a date and time below.
This is a reservation only. Please do not make travel arrangements until our staff have confirmed the appointment date and time.
Appointments available Monday, Thursday and Friday.
covid-19 update: we are still providing documentary services, however due to current restrictions our online booking service has been suspended. Please contact us to book an appointment.
Appointment details
You must provide a valid email address and contact number when using the online booking system. We need these details to provide you information about your appointment, including rescheduling and cancellation when necessary, so you must provide accurate details where we can reliably contact you.
Appointment location
Our offices are located in Gray’s Inn, central London.
We also offer express appointments at your office. Please contact us to book an express notary service.
What to bring
What you will need to bring with you:
- proof of identity
- proof of address
- the correct fee – see the fees list
- supporting documents *
For all appointments for notarial services you will need to bring acceptable proof of your identity and address.
We accept passports or national identity cards as proof of identity.
We accept UK drivers licences, utility bills or bank statements as proof of your address.
* Please refer to the individual services for specific details of supporting documents.
Terms of use
By using this online appointments service you agree to our terms and conditions, privacy policy and data protection policy. Please read them carefully.
We may occasionally update our terms and policies. This might happen if there’s a change in the law or to the services provided. If you don’t agree to the terms and policies set out on our website, you should not use this service.
While our staff will give you as much advice as they can, it is your responsibility to ensure that you are obtaining the correct service and that you bring all the necessary documentation for the service. If you are unsure, you may wish to take legal advice before booking the service.
Our notarial fees are not refundable, and are subject to change without notice. Check the relevant fees list for the latest information.
If you need to book an express notary service or would like to discuss your appointment, please contact us for assistance.
Same Day Service
We are based in the City of London and have a satellite office in the financial district at Canary Wharf.
Appointments available at your office.